Castillo San Felipe de Morro

Castillo San Felipe de Morro

Kind of a toast...

Today I woke up remembering what my mom used to tell me about doing a morning prayer (I woke up at 12:12, but anyhow, it still counts if I do it right after I wake up). I usually had a prayer memorized but I jumped off bed and started to arrange it while thinking in various stuff I was thankful for and various stuff I wanted to ask God for (cut the crap I know we secretly all ask for different things). My mind went crazy as always and I pictured a really funny scenario of a dinning table and plenty of important people sitting down. I won't go to the detail of which people where there, I just think that they might be the ones that read this.

I would have stood up and proposed a toast. I would have also alerted the people to not raise their glasses yet because it was going to take a while. Then I would put on my serious face, raise my Heineken and started on:

"A week ago I was talking to a great dude about how fun would it be to tattoo into our bodies our goals. That way they'll always be there as a reminder of where we are going. This certaintly got me into thinking a lot.

I have been an LCP of AIESEC Mayagüez for a year already and it has been a road of many ups and downs and a lot of new lessons learned. My team, my family and my coach have taught me so much. Our first intern already left and is safe and sound back in her country. I've learned so much from her and from her experience here that I feel like sharing a bit of that.

With that in mind, i'd like to propose a toast to our youth. Our youth that allows us to have the energy to dream big, challenge and go against the status quo, think outside the box, have bold ideas, fight for what we think is important, and to commit in the goal of keeping that energy up so that we can grow old and still be engaged in what we believe is right and make a difference.  

To our youth because it allows us to do good to others, just because we can. Doing good to others might seen at times as time not well spend, but I wouldn't bet on that. Even if the others can't really remember the good you did to them, or even if they don't really understand or appreciate that what you did, you still know and you get that uncomparable sense of satisfaction of knowing that you did what you did just for the sake of doing it. I, myself, wake up every morning at least with the purpose of making someone smile, even if it is by means of a dirty joke. I just feel that if I am happy, I should share that happiness somehow. Plenty of times people do take advantage of me for being foolish at times and being extra-helpful, but I guess that is their loss. I kind of red-flag them by that, and if I'm able to, I'll keep on doing good to them, just not trusting them as I used (gotta admit I learned that the hard way, being the one taking advantage of someone else and being deprived of his trust).

I am so very thankful for the experiences I've got to enjoy, for the things I have, and mostly for the people that I've met in the way. May we learn to reciprocate what others do for us and may we always remember the good they brought once into our lives. May we live our own lives and let them live theirs because no advise will ever be as good as a lesson taught by life itself.

May our hearts never get bitter because something didn't happen how we imagined it should. That's just a sign that better or worse things are awaiting us and that we have the tools and the strength to overcome that situation and many others with higher difficulty. May we be able to turn our good experiences and things to be thankful for into the falling stars that we save in our pockets for the plenty of rainy days to come. Being happy should not be a matter or whether things do or don't go our way. Most of the time they won't and if our happiness will be dictated by that, then we ought to be miserable people. I choose otherwise. I may get down at times, but my spirit will take me back up. Things can really really suck at times! Sometimes just because, sometimes because you made them go a different way by behaving somehow or by not doing something you should have. May we use all those stepdowns as bridges to work harder the next time or as fertilizers to accept that things aren't going where we tought they were, but we'll make them better.

May our hearts never ever get stubborn as to thinking that we know it all, because we certainly don't. May we be humble in acknowledging that we are human beings that make mistakes, and that we have an enormous gap of things we need to improve in order to get to excellence. May that gap always keep enlarging itself, so that we never ever fall in the mediocresy of not being brave and corageous enough to get better in life. May we love ourselves the way we are, along with the imperfections, but may we also fall in love with the struggle of moving foward and stepping our of the shoes of rest into the working ones.

May our hearts never get lazy or tired on the road. Yes maybe to pick up the remote, or to study for a really hard math class, but other than that, may we keep our light litten up. May we be diligent in accomplishing what we are set off to do and may we never settle for less that what we know for sure that we can bring to the table, because we are in fact talented people with a drive that must not be lost by frivolous crap. Rest is for dead people. Let us always keep our sight in the long run, in the big picture."

I'd ask my readers now to symbolically raise your glasses. I'd tell that I am grateful for the great things they have brought into my life, and how much I cherish even the tiniest thing they've ever done to help me. I'd tell them that our stay in this planet might seem like really really long, but it is actually quite brief. Therefore we ought to do the very best we can in being the very best people we can be. Then again, I'd tell them that in my book, they are certainly on the right path. And I'd finish off by saying: "In Puerto Rico, we don't say Cheers after a toast. We say "Salud", which is a very sincere way of wishing health to each other; health to support the energy that we now have and must keep on having in order to make a change, an impact, a difference. So my dear friends,

A su salud.

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